Small Feasible Actions for the Promotion of Environmental Rights (PAFE)
Advocacy in energy and climate negotiations; adaptation and mitigation of climate change; promotion of renewable energies; support and guidance for women's groups.

Overview of the project
Aware of the stakes and the urgency of climate change in Senegal, JVE Sénégal aims to build the legal capacities of local elected representatives, students, CBOs and journalists. The project aims to equip them with the tools they need to take a more effective approach to their actions, and also to act as intermediaries in disseminating information. The project is helping to solve the problem of a lack of information and training on climate change and environmental law, insofar as it will enable stakeholders to act with a full understanding of the context, and with full legitimacy thanks to a better knowledge of the environmental legal framework applicable in Senegal. It will also enable all citizens to be alerted in the event of any violation of these standards, which will now be accessible.
Contributing to community capacity-building on climate change and environmental rights.
Ongoing research
December 2022- December2024
235 people trained, including 161 men and 74 women; 4 Ndadjés ecologies; Setting up 2 tree nurseries. 1 green space; Support for PÈRE ODD Kolda and Sé gardens; 1 environment and climate slam with Slam Nomade; 1 capacity-building workshop on agroecology; 2 workshop on climate change and sustainable towns; 1 ecological Ndogou; 3 reforestation and 3 radio programmes; 1 photo competition.
Students will be made aware of their rights and duties towards the environment through public lectures (GREEN TALK) in the lecture theatres of the target universities; local elected representatives will be strengthened in their role towards the population with regard to the management of natural resources; a green space will be created; young people will be mobilised to support the implementation of the project in the target areas; video clips will be produced and distributed; ecological Ndadjés will be organised; Tweet campaigns will be organised; reforestation will take place; a community tree nursery will be created and a photo competition will be organised.
Funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, it follows on from a similar project.
Advocacy around energy and climate negotiations; Adaptation and mitigation to climate change; Promotion of renewable energies; Support and guidance for women’s groups; Restoration and participatory management of protected areas; Promotion of community forestry and reforestation; Combating desertification and deforestation; Promotion of cultural biodiversity; Promotion of sustainable agriculture; Promotion of community volunteering; Environmental education; Advocacy for environmental and social justice.
Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar- Faculté des sciences et Techniques, Université Assane Seck de Ziguinchor, Université Gaston Berger de Saint Louis-Club vert, Université Amadou Mahtar Mbow de Diamniadio, Green Sédhiou, Green team, Sénégal propre, Collectivités locales de Sédhiou, Mairie des Parcelles assainies, Club environnement de la comme de Yoff.