Rainwater Harvesting Tanks
The aim of this project is to support vulnerable rural communities in Ouganda.

Overview of the project
Rainwater harvesting tanks were majorly established to resource constrained and vulnerable rural communities of Kibolhu, Kabughabugha, and Nyakabingo in Rukoki Subcounty, Kasese District, Uganda, East Africa. This was due to the terrain and hard to reach areas while looking for domestic water for home consumption.
Support vulnerable rural communities
Ongoing financing
02/08/2017 - 9/9/2020
It has been found out that, some households have been able to access safe clean harvested water for home consumption at zero distance and the surplus used for vegetable gardening. the vulnerable elders and children in mountainous areas can access safe water without hardships.There has been reduced water runoffs from roof tops due to improved water harvesting technology.
At least most populations can access clean water without hardships and there has been reduced accidents during water fetching in rainy seasons due to the terrain. Reduced pressure on limited water resources during rainy season.
It was financed by simple organisation funds and community funds.
Promotes capacity building on climate change adaptation strategiesin vulnerable rural natural resource constrained communities
in collaboration