Reforestation and Management of Existing Forests
Contribute to meeting the social and economic needs of members and the community. Due to the marginalisation of the rural population in Africa, farmers need to feel empowered to improve their economic and social conditions by helping each other economically.

Overview of the project

The breakdown of energy resources in the energy balance (2018) is as follows:
- Wood and charcoal: 96.9
- Petroleum products: 2.5
- Electricity: 0.5
- Turbo: 0.05
- New and renewable energies: negligible
Wood energy is consumed in DR Congo by more than 95% of the population who lives mainly in rural areas. In the light of the share of wood energy in the national energy balance, it can be seen that it will remain the main source of energy for a large part of the population for a long time to come.
Studies carried out in the context of climate change show that the wood energy sector is vulnerable because the availability of the resource is decreasing under the effect of drought, bush fires and human pressure, leading to a progressive deforestation of the country with all the negative consequences on the livelihood of the population. The number of bushfires increases with the duration of the drought, which has been abnormally long in recent years (5 months) in the provinces of South Kivu, Maniema, Tanganyika.
Given the importance of forests in carbon sequestration, water conservation and energy supply, it is necessary to proceed as soon as possible to the rehabilitation of existing forests through reforestation, the fight against forest fires and the efficient management of forest products.
Protecting and increasing forest resources to meet the demand for fuelwood and timber.
Ongoing research
03/03/2021 - 03/02/2026 - Project still in progress
- Destroyed forest species are rehabilitated
- 12,500 hectares of new watershed plantations are developed
- Better availability of wood resources
- Resistant species are identified and disseminated
- A plan to combat bush fires is developed and implemented
- Destroyed forest species are rehabilitated
- 12,500 hectares of new watershed plantations are developed
- Better availability of wood resources
- Resistant species are identified and disseminated
- A plan to combat bush fires is developed and implemented
1 Millième (1 Thousandth )
Activities to deploy:
- Reforestation
- Research and dissemination of suitable tree species
- Reforesting the watersheds of major rivers in South Kivu, Maniema and Tanganyika provinces
- Forest management
- Develop a plan to fight forest and bush fires in consultation with the communities concerned
- Implement the forestry code
- Protect existing forest resources
- Rehabilitate existing forests
in collaboration