Sensibilisation Environnementale et Diffusion des Foyers Améliorés dans le Nord Cameroun (SEDiFAN)
The objective of the SEDiFAN project is to contribute to the fight against greenhouse gas emissions through environmental awareness and the diffusion of improved stoves.

Overview of the project
The project takes place in a context of fragile ecology marked by the degradation of 8,000,000 hectares of land in the northern part of Cameroon, an unbridled loss of vegetation cover, repeated conflicts over access to resources and the dependence of nearly 90% of the population on wood for fuel.
To help alleviate the problem, the project is based on 2 pillars. The first is environmental awareness. Through this, the project educates its targets (mainly youth and women) on the importance of the vegetation cover and its preservation so that they can continue to benefit from the ecosystem services provided such as oxygen, traditional pharmacopoeia, construction materials, shade, food, etc. The second is the dissemination of improved fireplaces, whose added value is the reduction by one-third of the wood energy needs of the user communities. Made with local materials, some of which are considered waste (cow or donkey dung, straw, termite mounds or clay, water, etc.), the construction and distribution of the stoves is entrusted to women trainers in the villages. They are each responsible for building 52 improved stoves each month in exchange for payment.
The project activities are implemented in secondary schools as well as in the villages. The project has a “local communities” component and a “Mbororo indigenous people” component (one of the two indigenous peoples in Cameroon).
The objective of the project is to contribute to the fight against greenhouse gas emissions through environmental awareness and the diffusion of improved stoves.
Ongoing research
18 décembre 2019 - 17 décembre 2021 (projet toujours en cours)
To date, the quantitative results obtained within the framework of the implementation of the project are as follows
- 1 baseline study was conducted in 06 departments of the North and Far North regions of Cameroon. Specifically, the baseline study allowed for the consultation of 1,101 people, the documentation of community knowledge on the importance of vegetation cover and alternatives to its misuse, and the creation of a directory of ecosystem services provided to target communities.
- 234 people sensitized on the importance of vegetation cover in the districts of Guider and Figuil, Mayo Louti department.
208 improved stoves distributed and used.
To date, the following qualitative results have been achieved through the implementation of the project
- A better understanding of the importance of vegetation cover by the target communities;
- The establishment of beneficiaries as advocates for the environment in their communities;
- Strengthening environmental education in the nature clubs of the target schools;
- Developing skills in building improved stoves at the local level;
- Limiting the communities’ footprint on the vegetation cover;
- Community interest in environmental conservation activities;
- Community interest in environmental conservation and climate change activities;
- Scaling up of the initial project.
During the first 10 months, the project was financed by the members' contributions.
The reference situation was financed by the German cooperation through the GIZ and since April 26, 2021, an agreement links the association to the GIZ until December 2021 for the environmental sensitization of 2,100 young people and the diffusion of 1,000 improved stoves.
Ongoing projects:
- Environmental Awareness and Dissemination of Improved Fireplaces in Northern Cameroon (SEDiFAN).
- Support for the empowerment of rural women through the manufacture and marketing of ecological coal.
- Support to the Kaï Kaï communities in the defense of their rights to a healthy environment, to land, to food security and to decent housing.
- Reduce land insecurity in Djafga and Doreissou.
Youth Dialogue on Environment and Sustainable Development (DIJEDD). - Youth consultation on the draft Treaty on Transnational Corporate Activities and Human Rights.
Upcoming projects:
- Advocacy for gender equity in natural resource governance in northern Cameroon, starting in June 2021
- Construction of a multi-purpose hydro-solar complex in the village of Djaba, starting in August 2021.