A Housing-energy Pact for Flat Wallets
The RWLP fights poverty by challenging inequalities, mobilizing through collective action and political dialogue. As a place of convergence, it brings together associations, permanent staff and activists who have experienced poverty to enrich its work.

Overview of the project

Following tensions linked to a lack of knowledge and dialogue between environmental and anti-poverty actors, RWLP and Greenpeace set out in 2018 to link up the issues raised by these respective organizations, which at first sight had diverging interests. Meetings were organized between eyewitnesses/activists from the RWLP and Flanders, and Greenpeace workers and activists. Joint reflections on just transitions were held (notably around the floods of summer 2021).
In parallel with these meetings, the RWLP supports the youth climate movement, is invited by Grandparents for the Climate, by Nourrir Liège (e.g.: a dialogue between Olivier de Schutter and Christine Mahy in May 2021), and so on. During the last Climate Marches, the RWLP was strongly present on the issue of a just transition through the right to housing. This is one of the main levers in the fight against poverty, and a major challenge in the face of the climate challenge.
In 2022, under the impetus of the RWLP, a year’s work began bringing together the players in the Climate Coalition – which the Belgian and Walloon anti-poverty networks have joined. They defined the broad outlines of a housing and energy pact. Each member was then invited to take up the idea and define its contours in line with regional specificities. This was followed by the publication and distribution of a Pacte Logement Energie for flat portfolios. This is a political and awareness-raising document. It is accompanied by animations.
The right to housing for all and a fair transition
Ongoing research
17/10/23 - project still in progress
- Distribution of +/-500 paper copies of the “Energy Housing Pact for Flat Wallets” (A5 brochure – 12 pp); 150 simplified versions (A4 brochure – 8pp).
- Electronic mailings to all Walloon MPs, political parties, the press (file of +/-200 addresses), RWLP member associations and partners.
- A presentation-exchange meeting with +/- 30 associations from various sectors (social real estate agency, youth assistance, social cohesion plan, cultural center, renovation platform…).
- 4-5 animations in 1st line associations (more scheduled in 2024).
- Publications (including a simplified version) of an advocacy text presenting
– the virtues of a housing-energy pact for flat wallets ;
– as well as 18 concrete measures. - Sharing with politicians, associations, people – activist eyewitnesses – and committed civil society players.
- Preparation with activists and launch of awareness-raising activities on the issue of energy, climate change and its impacts, and access to decent housing.
In the RWLP's missions (including a continuing education campaign)
The RWLP works to promote structural solutions to poverty. The association is committed to raising awareness of the inequalities that lead to the impoverishment of a growing number of people. It questions and mobilizes through collective action, continuing education processes, ongoing dialogue with political and other bodies, and the participation of the first and foremost people concerned.
The RWLP is unique in that it is a forum for cross-fertilization and collective action, bringing together associations, a team of permanent staff and activists – people who have experienced poverty, exclusion and impoverishment at first hand. These people contribute to the Network’s work.
In connection with the Energy Housing Pact initiated by the RWLP within the Climate Coalition (a coalition that brings together some 100 partners throughout Belgium). https://klimaatcoalitie.be/fr/accueil/