Drinking Water for Children in the Villages and Communes of Antsirabé, Madagascar
Thanks to the "Safe Water Cube" purification technology, the association Agir Ensemble (Act Together) provides immediate, safe and sustainable access to drinking water in the region of Antsirabé, Madagascar.

Overview of the project
By granting access to safe drinking water, the association Agir Ensemble’s “Safe Water Cube” acts, above all, to enable children to attend school under favourable conditions, permitting normal education.
The proposed project consists of supplying and installing 38 Safe Water Cube fountains in schools throughout the Antsirabé region in Madagascar, enabling a minimum of 38,000 people to consume safe drinking water on a sustainable basis and guaranteeing an ongoing education for local children. The goal is to replicate this project in approximately ten schools in the countryside around Antsirabé, benefitting nearly 5,000 children.
Thanks to the association Agir Ensemble’s project, a safe drinking water supply contributes to the reduction of water-related childhood diseases (80% of childhood disease in rural areas is due to the poor quality of the consumed water).
Finally, once installed, the Safe Water Cube fountain requires no energy source to operate and thanks to its ultra-filtration system, it makes all surface water drinkable.
The aim of the project is to provide sustainable, secure and immediate access to drinking water by installing 38 drinking water fountains in the region of Antsirabé, Madagascar.
Ongoing research
7/1/2017- 6/30/2019
Results of the installation of eight fountains in November 2018:
- A more than 20% increase in the number of pupils attending school; and
- 85% reduction in pupil absenteeism due to illness.
Results of the installation of eight fountains in November 2018:
- Improved working conditions for pupils; and
- Raised awareness among pupils and adults of the importance of clean drinking water for their health and living conditions thanks to educational tools and reinforcement by a regular awareness campaign.
This project is financed through public subsidies, private donations and by public and private partners in Madagascar.
The aim of the association Agir Ensemble is to promote access to drinking water, health, and social links in regions of the world with little or no drinking water, and any similar, related, or complementary purposes likely to promote development.
in collaboration