At the Climate School
The initiative of the AESVT Agadir, Morocco section promotes synergy between the various local and national actors in the field of education, as well as raising awareness of sustainable development and eco-citizenship.

Overview of the project
AESVT Morocco is a national non-profit association working in the fields of education, awareness-raising and advocacy. In the field of education, it advocates for improvement of teaching conditions in life and earth sciences and promotion of education for sustainable development and responsible citizenship. In terms of awareness-raising, AESVT aims to open up the general public by dealing with issues relating to Morocco’s major environmental problems on the one hand, and on the other hand, those arising from our country’s climate change nationally determine commitments (Morocco’s NDC). Within the framework of advocacy, our regional sections plead the public authorities to support the efforts made at the Souss Massa regional level in terms of mitigation and adaptation to climate change, as suggested by the Territorial Plan to Combat Global Warming.
The “At the Climate School” project is an example of action to support synergies and efforts between the Ministry of National Education, higher education, vocational training, scientific research, the State Secretariat for Sustainable Development, German Corporation for International Cooperation, and the various stakeholders (local authorities, civil society and the private sector). The project is designed to:
- Raise awareness among young schoolchildren about local, regional, national and international commitments and challenges in the fight against climate change.
- Draw the attention of elected representatives and administrative officials to the role of education in transmitting values and good practices for adapting to climate change for future generations.
- Invest in raising public awareness to reduce impacts on the balance of ecosystems weakened by various forms of pollution.
- Support efforts made by the Regional Environment and Sustainable Development department’s executives in the regional and local level implementation of national strategies through the thematic committees established at the Regional Observatory (OREDD) and with the considerable support of the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ).
Strengthening the capabilities of environmental club leaders, young people and the population of the Souss Massa region in terms of adaptation to and mitigation of climate change through awareness-raising caravans.
Ongoing research
Implementation of the At the Climate School caravan has consolidated the actions of AESVT Agadir at the regional level and its know-how in terms of sustainable development education in schools and associations:
- The number of teachers reached has evolved in the right direction, as 4,437 teachers have been sensitised.
- The number of schools and youth in school has increased, as 33,504 high school students are now aware.
- 68 associative executives took part in training actions within the framework of the At the Climate School project.
- Reinforcement of the partnership between local associations: Agreement signed between AESVT Agadir, Morocco section and the Iqra Association for Development and the Environment during the second edition of the Climate Chance summit in Agadir.
- Loyalty of the collaboration between civil society organisations, state institutions and international cooperation.
The project is financed by the association's own funds to the tune of 44.3% and the local ProGEC/GIZ subsidy for the remaining 55.7%.
Organisation of awareness-raising caravans in schools and local authorities in the Souss Massa region as part of the “climate school” project.
in collaboration